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This vintage women's iromuji kimono is an elegant seafoam green color. The rinzu creates an overall texture made up scattered maple leaves. Iromuji are a semi-formal to formal style of Japanese kimono worn by women, and are a favorite for people who practice tea ceremony. A juban should be worn under this kind of kimono, and a nagoya obi atop it. This kimono is potentially made of silk on the exterior, and very likely to be fully lined in silk.


  • Iromuji Condition: B-, this iromuji has a significant discoloration that is visible on the front left shoulder.
  • Wrist To Wrist: 49 in - 124.46 cm
  • Back Width: 23 in -58.42 cm
  • Total Length: 59 in -149.86 cm
  • Collar: Full (needs a eri-shin collar stiffener)
  • Liner: Lined
  • Mons: None


Japanese kimono requires a variety of accessories to be worn in a traditional style. Contrary to popular belief the kimono is not held onto a person by the obi. Obi largely served a decorative role without any functional role. Kimono accessories such as koshihimo play the role of actually holding a kimono on a body.

Seafoam Green Iromuji

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