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Delightful mushrooms with red caps and white spots are scattered about a pale pink and check cherkered background on this cotton haneri. This is a Japanese cotton. This han-eri is machine washable, ensuring you can use it over and over while keeping it fresh looking.

When attaching your han-eri collar you can adjust the pattern and layout so that what part of if you like the most is visible.


  • Han-Eri Condition: A, new, and unused.
  • Han-Eri Width: 7 In (roughly)
  • Han-Eri Length: 39 in (roughly)
  • Han-Eri Fabric: Cotton fabric with unfinished edges. Han-eri almost always has an unfinished edge and are regarded as interchangeable and should be easy to machine wash as they will get dirty along the neckline through wear. Since han-eri are handsewn onto juban a finished edge would make handsewing them more difficult.


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Pink & White Haneri

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