Title: Kanzashi For Beginners, Lovely Tsumazaiku
Published: 2021 (Second Print)
Condition: Brand New
Shipping: USPS Media Mail
Language: Japanese, with step-by-step illustrations. Can be translated into English using a cellphone translation app like Google Lens.
Quantity: 1
Pages: 96
Details: Full color high-quality instruction pages with step-by-step color photos.
Revised edition of Lovely Tsumazaiku, a book for beginners with detailed explanations using photographic processes, focusing on accessories with floral motifs made of habutae and chirimen, with 15 new works added. New works include brooches of anemone, hydrangea, nadeshiko, and camellia, wedding catsuits of ball roses, and ball bouquets. Includes everything from small accessories for everyday use to accessories for special occasions such as Shichi-Go-San, coming-of-age ceremonies, and weddings. This craft book is for beginners.
Made in Japan.
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