Yukata are in major demand this summer! A number of customers have contacted us and let us know that this summer they decided to take advantage of the lock-down to focus on learning how to wear a kimono, and that they were starting with learning yukata. We are working hard on getting caught up on our back-log of work which includes updating our selection of kimono on the site, specifically our yukata which are in such great demand. Also included in this week's restock are men's juban, a few haori, and more so a nice selection of vintage obidome that are budget-friendly. When buying yourself your first ever yukata, don't forget to purchase a set of koshihimo and a hanhaba obi to go with it.
In the coming weeks you can expect lots more yukata added to the site, as well as other types of kimono including the greatly needed revisions and restock to our men's kimono selection. New kimono shipments from Japan are still on hold, which means we can finally work through our great selection of backstock in our kimono warehouse in Ohio.
Thank you all for your patience as we work hard to catch up with online sales, and restock our kimono store.