Starting this week operations will begin resuming, and we will be working hard to get my existing online orders packed and shipped. To kick off resuming orders I went through and added a few gems in the online kimono store.
Hanhaba obi are the preferred obi to be paired with women's yukata. Given that this is the time of year in which yukata are most typically worn, our hanhaba obi stock has been exceptionally popular. When shopping for yukata, keep in mind your hanhaba obi coordination. Many of the new obi listed in stock are brand new, and even easy to care for machine washable.
Men's obi have had their stock refreshed. Included in the selection of men's obi are a number of easy to wear men's pre-tied obi, which look like they were traditionally tied, while being very easy to wear. Unlike women's obi, men's obi tend to be more straight forward and simpler to pair with kimono. We have tanzen and kaku obi in the store in a variety of colors.
Obidome have a restock of vintage pinback brooches! Obidome are traditionally the only type of jewelry worn with Japanese kimono. Typically obidome are placed onto an obijime, and are considered most commonly women's attire. Obidome can be rather expensive, which is why we source vintage brooches for use as obidome, a common practice in Japan. When wearing more formal kimono such as a furisode, or tomesode obidome are a common accessory for those kinds of kimono.
Japanese folding fans are extremely popular this time of year. Over time we have collected an impressive selection of hand-painted sensu, and are slowly but surely releasing them for sale. These fans are often one of a kind works of art, and some even have on them their artists signature. Regardless of it, you plan to collect the fan for display only, use it in performing arts, or need a stylish way to cool off these delightful designs are worth checking out. Once sold, they are gone forever.
Juban, men's kimono, yukata, and more are all on the docket for being added to the online kimono store in the coming weeks. There is a large backstock of inventory in our warehouse ready to go, we just need to first sort through orders on delay due to the family emergency.