We are excited to return to Matsuricon in Columbus, Ohio! Ohio is home to many wonderful conventions, and Matsuricon is most certainly one of the best shows around. Our spot in the vendor room is a corner booth toward the front, so we will be easy to locate and shop with. Due to our previous two events much of our stock has fully turned over, and we will have a great new selection of authentic Japanese kimono, haori, obi, tabi socks, and more for all genders and ages.
Matusuricon is the last show in a series of shows that have had us on the road a lot. We are working hard on keeping up with our shows, and online orders. A lot of orders were mailed out this week, and the remaining orders will be shipped next week. Next week we will enjoy a bit of a rest period from our fast pace show schedule and will refocusing our attention back to the online store. As always we are happy to honor rush orders and care deeply about meeting the needs of our customers in person and online.

With purchase we offer culturally respectful kimono dressings.