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Kimono Blog &  Events

Discover Kimono Fashion From 1973

Writer: Ohio KimonoOhio Kimono

In our private collection are a wide variety of publications dedicated to traditional Japanese kimono, textiles, and history. These publications serve as a point of reference for much of our research and kitsuke. More so, the older publications really help us note trends and styles in by gone eras, which helps us better date many vintage Japanese kimono which otherwise have no information attached to them. Looking through these books we can see variations in the styles among the ages and enjoy observing how kitsuke has evolved over the decades. In our collection is a series of rather large magazines called, 'The Magazine For Kimono'. Most of these publications are from the 70s, of which we have around 10 of them. Each publication is packed full of nearly 300 pages of content that includes color photos of retro kimono worn in older styles with more dated kitsuke. Globally there is an interest in revisiting some of these retro styles, and so we thought that now is the perfect time to open up our private collection, and share it with you. This is the first blog post of many dedicated to 'The Magazine For Kimono' 1973, number 78. This publication has over 279 pages packed full of beautiful full color glossy photos of Japanese kimono in a large 10 x 7 format. Though the publication heavily focuses on feminine kimono, there are some sections dedicated to masculine kimono fashion as well. In addition to various types of kimono among the pages there is a wonderful selection of obi, haori, michiyuki, and more.

Be certain to check out the whole photo gallery, and watch for our up coming posts! We have an ongoing blog series dedicated to Japanese advertising for authentic kimono. We have a fairly large private library dedicated to all things kimono.

We make no claim to any copyright the the content within the publication, and are sharing photos of this publication for strictly review purposes. These photos may not be used elsewhere without express permission. Thank you for taking the time to enjoy some retro kimono fashion with us :)

We offer a great selection of yukata, furisode, haori, michiyuki, houmongi, and more in our online store.

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