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Black Kimono Coordination

Kimono Lady

Black is easily one of the most beloved colors. Alas, when it comes to Japanese kimono black is generally reserved for formal occasions. More so, solid black is called mofuku which is considered funeral attire for mourning. The Japanese have made it politely clear that mofuku should not be casually worn, and is reserved for mourning. So what is a lover of the color black to do? Fear not, it is possible to rock out your little heart decked out in your favorite color black! The key is to make certain that the attire is not solid black, so no mufuku. Such items do in fact exist. Further more, to demonstrate the point one of our favorite Japanese kimono bloggers known as Asagiri Kimono recently showed off her black coordination, and we LOVE IT. This is a great example of how you can wear black and NOT wear mofuku. Though it may not be obvious due to small fine details, there is nothing mofuku in her attire. The obijime has small faint red details, and even her juban has black and white.

Remember, solid black is mofuku and the Japanese have politely requested that out of respect please do not wear their attire which is reserved for mourning.

black japanese kimono

black japanese kimono

black japanese kimono

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