This past weekend we were excited to be a part of the Michigan Renaissance Festival in Holly, Michigan. We were honored to be their first ever kimono dealer at the festival, and had an amazing time. The Ren Fest is a really fun event, and we loved being a part of it. Our entire weekend was one long party, and the community is made up of some mega history nerds and fun people.
Our kimono had a great reception. A number of persons stopped by and purchased kimono with us, many of whom knew a bit of kitsuke. There was a deep appreciation for our knowledge on the topic of kimono, and many people sought us out to just learn about kimono and ask us questions to help them with their kitsuke or historical research.
Among our patrons was the Royal Court. The Queen and her lovely ladies stopped by both days of the Festival and were knowledgeable, and charming customers. It was a delight to see them walk away, giddy with excitement from having purchased authentic kimono and obi from us. We hope to be a part of more Ren Fests, and are looking forward our nest shows.

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