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Kimono Blog &  Events

20+ New Obi For Sale

Kimono Lady

We were pretty busy today and added to our website over 20 new listings of obi. These obi range from formal fukuro obi, to more casual nagoya obi. Almost all of these obi are intended to be worn in a feminine style, and are in fantastic ready to wear condition. These kinds of obi pair great with more formal Japanese kimono such as furisode, kurotomesode, and more. To discover our growing selection of obi for sale online visit our Nagoya Obi, and Fukuro Obi pages. Every obi we listed today is waiting for a new home and a lovely kimono to be worn with. This weekend you can visit our 'Pop Up Store' at the Michigan Ren Fest in Holly, Michigan. We are taking part in the 'Wonders Of The World' theme weekend. Our samurai will be present and we will have a lovely and very large selection of kimono for sale with us. See you at the Michigan Ren Fest!

Formal Obi For Kimono

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