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Kimono Blog &  Events

Kimono For Sale In Michigan

Writer's picture: Ohio KimonoOhio Kimono

Ohio Kimono has been in business since 2009, and slowly over the years we have hosted a pop-up store at an increasing number of venues throughout the USA. One of the states we visit frequently is Michigan. Throughout the year we visit and sell kimono in Detroit, Grand Rapids, and even Lansing Michigan. The events we sell kimono at in Michigan include but are not limited to: The Grand Rapids Asian Festival, Shuto Con, Youmacon, and JAFAX. Michigan is host to a lovely selection of Japanese cultural events, anime conventions, and more. Our main warehouse is located in Toledo, Ohio right by the Michigan border. This means all kimono sales made online quickly ship and arrive at the doorstep of our Michigan customers. We have found people wait at most 3 days to get their order, but more commonly wait just 2 days for a purchase to arrive in the mail. So if you are in Michigan and in need of a Japanese Kimono feel free to contact us or visit us at one of the many Michigan events we attend.

Kimono Store In Michigan

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