Ever wonder what it is like to get in a large order of kimono from my supplier in Kyoto, Japan? Well, I am now occassionally doing unboxing videos of my kimono shipments from Kyoto! These videos are recorded as time allowed, and will feature kmono, haori, obi, obiage, and more! The #1 reason why I am doing these videos is to share my experience, and also demonstrate to everyone that my kimono are from Kyoto. I feel it is very important to make it known that I am not an Ebay, Yahoo Auction, or Ragstock reseller. My kimono come directly from a small family business in Kyoto, Japan. Here is the link to my youtube channel with all my current videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJoX6qLbKlLZcShwpzPMbtg/videos PS - Sorry for being a newb at filming video!