Location: UK
What first attracted you into wearing kimono? How long have you worn kimono? I have always loved traditional clothing from all cultures, and when I started watching more Japanese dramas on tv I just had to get a kimono. I have worn them since 2010, at my first Kimono De Jack UK. I was very nervous as it was also the first time I wore a kimono in public and even worse in London. I received good and helpful feedback which gave me a lot of confidence. Does your particular style of kimono kitsuke have a name? Dandyism. From the 18th Century were men sought elegance above all. As for kitsuke I follow the modern dandies that use more colour. What are some of your common inspirations for your kitsuke? It's honestly hard to say I certain things that inspire me as all my kimonos are different so i would have to say my kimono friends. I pinch ideas from each one of them and use them accordingly to the motif and theme on the kimono. What are some of your favorite kimono motifs and themes? Each year I have a favourite motif and theme depending on whose kimono I drooled over. Right now I love noh masks especially hyottoko and I'm on the hunt for stripes and any interesting patterns . Two things i know for sure, I'm attracted to strange looking kimonos and i dislike flowers. Do you have any advise for someone new to wearing kimono? Even though some of us live in the West you have to try your best to match the kitsuke to the season and occasion plus with each kimono bought you learn many new things. Most Importantly DON'T be too shy to ask questions or for help, there are many kimono wearers out there oozing with information ready to help. Where do you wear your kimono to? I'm an opportunist so any international event, university cultural day, Japanese events or just simply hanging out with friends but never as a Halloween costume.