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Ohio Kimono
Apr 24, 2019
NEW: Hanhaba Obi
This week we have worked on further expanding our selection of hanhaba obi! We have in stock a full selection of women's hanhaba obi...

Ohio Kimono
Apr 10, 2019
This Week: Tekko
This week we are back on the road, and are excited to return to Tekko! Tekko is the largest anime convention in all of Pennsylvania, and...

Ohio Kimono
Feb 3, 2019
Kimono Fashion For When Its Cold
Japanese kimono can be worn all year long: from the heat of the summer, to the cold of winter. Often the way the colder weather is dealt...

Ohio Kimono
Jul 3, 2018
6 Places To Wear Kimono To In Indiana
Many people struggle to think of an occasion in which that can wear a Japanese kimono in the state of Indiana outside of Anime...

Kimono Lady
Nov 16, 2017
Ohio Kimono Black Friday SALE!
You don't need to wait in line for hours at some big department store to get some great gifts, or even a little something for yourself...

Kimono Lady
Oct 2, 2017
Introduction: Urushi Fabric & Designs
What is urushi? Within the context of Japanese textiles it is a technique used to decorate kimono, haori, and more. This decorative...

Kimono Lady
Oct 1, 2017
Halloween Kitsuke
Oct 1st is here, let the final countdown to Halloween begin! We absolutely love Halloween, and look forward to the holiday every year....

Kimono Lady
Sep 30, 2017
Over 600+ new Japanese kimono!
Our website has been busy, and buzzing with activity. The behind the scenes of our company is equally busy, as we attend to our customers...

Kimono Lady
Sep 29, 2017
Announcement: We are expanding to the west coast!
We have some really exciting new to share! We have finished securing a new warehouse on the west coast! That is right! We have a new...

Kimono Lady
Sep 28, 2017
NEW! Maiko katsura wig!
We recently added a new katsura wig to our online kimono store! This wig is interesting, as most people are use to seeing only the bridal...

Kimono Lady
Sep 27, 2017
Japan Exclusive: Pink Halloween Pepsi!
Guess what I just ordered 100+ bottles of?! THE NEW LIMITED EDITION PINK HALLOWEEN PEPSI! This drink is limited to Japan, and is out for...

Kimono Lady
Sep 25, 2017
Kimono Theme Introduction: Hakata
The hakata design is fairly wide spread, and found commonly on obi and date jime worn by any gender as casual attire. The hakata design...

Kimono Lady
Sep 22, 2017
Change To Our Shipping Policy
As our online kimono store has grown and we take on more shows to sell at, we are struggling to find a rhythm for shipping our online...

Ohio Kimono
Sep 21, 2017
30+ New Kimono For Sale
It has been a very busy week for us here! A large selection of inventory just arrived from Japan, and we are trying our best to work our...

Kimono Lady
Sep 13, 2017
SALE: 15% Off All Japanese Obi!
Holy cheese and crackers folks, we have a -lot- of obi in stock at the moment, 251 obi to be exacty. The majority of these obi are...
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