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Ohio Kimono
Dec 31, 2017
Top 10 Kimono Of 2017
The single greatest perk of owning a kimono store is being able to see so many great kimono first hand. Here is a selection of our 10 favori

Ohio Kimono
Dec 8, 2017
New Kimono Search!
To celebrating hitting 1,200+ Japanese kimono, obi, haori, michiyuki, juban and more all for sale in our online store we have added to...

Kimono Lady
Nov 21, 2017
Ohio Kimono - New Stock Arrived!
We are working hard on adding even more of our stock to the website this week! Why? Because this Black Friday we are having a massive 20%...

Kimono Lady
Nov 17, 2017
Check Out The Kimono Kitsune Photo Shoot!
A long time customer of ours really upped her kitsuke game with a single simply addition to her wardrobe: a kitsune mask. We were fortune...

Kimono Lady
Nov 16, 2017
Ohio Kimono Black Friday SALE!
You don't need to wait in line for hours at some big department store to get some great gifts, or even a little something for yourself...

Kimono Lady
Sep 28, 2017
NEW! Maiko katsura wig!
We recently added a new katsura wig to our online kimono store! This wig is interesting, as most people are use to seeing only the bridal...

Kimono Lady
Sep 25, 2017
Kimono Theme Introduction: Hakata
The hakata design is fairly wide spread, and found commonly on obi and date jime worn by any gender as casual attire. The hakata design...

Kimono Lady
Sep 22, 2017
Change To Our Shipping Policy
As our online kimono store has grown and we take on more shows to sell at, we are struggling to find a rhythm for shipping our online...

Kimono Lady
Sep 13, 2017
SALE: 15% Off All Japanese Obi!
Holy cheese and crackers folks, we have a -lot- of obi in stock at the moment, 251 obi to be exacty. The majority of these obi are...

Kimono Lady
Sep 12, 2017
Royalty Shops At Ohio Kimono
This past weekend we were excited to be a part of the Michigan Renaissance Festival in Holly, Michigan. We were honored to be their first...

Kimono Lady
Sep 5, 2017
20+ New Obi For Sale
We were pretty busy today and added to our website over 20 new listings of obi. These obi range from formal fukuro obi, to more casual...

Kimono Lady
Sep 1, 2017
Introducing Our Gold Raven Project
For years we have struggled with finding really kawaii netsuke, and obidome that was the ideal addition to our kimono kitsuke. Over the...

Ohio Kimono
Aug 26, 2017
Rocking out at Matsuricon 2017!
We are at Matsuricon this weekend and are having a great time! This weekend has been wonderful and allowed for us to reconnect with so...

Ohio Kimono
Aug 23, 2017
Han Eri For Sale
We are excited to announce that our online store has a selection of ready to wear han eri for sale. Han eri are decorative fabric that is...

Ohio Kimono
Aug 21, 2017
Introduction: Asanoha Theme
Japanese kimono are rich in symbolism and almost every decoration on them has a meaning. The Asanoha design is a prevalent and common...
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